Recent study shows that only 4-5 people out of a 1000 click on internet ads That's pretty disturbing to those starting out on net marketing. That's less than half a percent. To make things tougher, you have to convert that tiny percentage into sales. When you design your website, I'm sure you'd like to create a site that's visually appealling. While doing so, you don't want to skip the things that make you money. Making content sites is a long and tedious job. I'm sure there's a lot of niche marketers out there that focus tons of time on writing up content, some SEO, and copywriting. How much time are you focussing on APO -- Advertisement Positioning Optimization? After reading a recent advertisment research article , I realized that I had to make tons of changes to my content sites. The bright side is that I'm using server side includes (SSI) in my static site templates, and configurable templates in my blogs. So all of pages can be changed in...
Tips For Targeted Internet Marketing