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Starting An Internet Business-Part 1-It All Starts With An Idea

In this guide, you'll discover how you can start up a business online for less than $50.

Whether you want to start up a small one or large one is up to you!

Using the technology of computers and the internet, you can even run a massive worldwide business without having any employees or inventory if you wanted to. let's get started

In the past, brochure-like websites were the main style of business websites. As time went on, these websites seemed like a standard template. Visitors would visit these business websites and find barely any value.

Today, content is king. In order to create a profitable content based site, you need to create value.

When people search around the internet, the main thing they search for is information. ..and to make the experience more enhanced, people are looking for "relevant" information that contains value.

If you're in a competitive business, what are you offering of value? Why would a person go to your website and choose you?

What business are you really in?

Now that's even a better question. What information will you offer? What is the supply and demand of your "niche".

So what is a niche? In my words, it's a targeted idea that people are searching for. Why do I say targeted? Let's say you want to sell wide screen TV's. Now there are all sorts of them. You could get a rear project, a front projection, various LCD types or a plasma.

You could start up a company that carries a wide assortment of models and brands. This is a general widescreen tv niche.

Now let me ask you this. If you were looking for the best Sony plasma television, would you rather consult a one stop shop salesman, or a guy that specialized in Sony plasma televisions? I'm not sure about you, but I'd rather see the specialist.

The same thing goes for medical problems. If you had a chronic heart condition, would you go to a general family practitioner?

So how do you find a good niche?

Look for a specific problem first (with enough people that have it).

...and then with that problem, come up with solutions (services or products)

It really helps if you build a site on a topic you're familiar and passionate with. I agree with the familiar part, but passionate isn't always a must.

What happens if your passion filled niche is too competitive? Well, you can find niches within that niche (ie. focus on car amplifiers instead of car audio). What if those are even too competitive? You could dig down further, but will the tight niches bring in plenty of traffic and money? If it's too expensive to advertise, or if there's too much competition, it might be worth seeking other niches beyond your passion first. Also, make sure that your niche is profitable. A site about your daily misfortunes might not be so profitable. Once you have more experience, you can go into niches with higher competition.

In this website, I've written some articles on finding your own niche and analyzing which niches to use. A very popular tool that you can use online is Wordtracker. If you're very serious about your online business, this tool will allow you to dig 1000's of keywords for you to analyze. If you even get the 1 day Wordtracker package (close to $8), you could dig up plenty of niches that will keep you busy for the next year or two.

To save you some time, you can get free niche reports via email. I'm always analyzing niches and trying to find the hot opportunities to get into. Let me tell you, I have too many. I have so much that it would take me over 10 years to complete them.

Remember, it's not the niche idea that will get you rich, it's the actions you take with the niche that will make you money.

None of my niches are get rich schemes. These are niches that have a great demand that you could steadily make money in. The catch is that you have to spend a lot of time and effort building sites around them.

If I had a hundred of me, I would be making tons of websites this year. The problem is, I can't clone myself and I don't have that much time on my hands. So I might as well give some away instead of wasting them.

If you would like to subscribe, sign up through the 'free niche reports' form in the right margin.

Also see: Pay-Per-Click Marketing Analysis


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