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Super Affiliate Handbook Review

Last week, I finally finished up Rosalind Gardner's book. At's the "Super Affiliate Handbook Review:"

For those of you not familiar with Rosalind, she's an ex-air traffic controller that jumped ship and created a website that earns over $435,000/yr selling other peoples stuff.

Several months back, I was contemplating if I should purchase James Martell's book or Rosalind's. I searched the web and somebody mentioned that Rosalind's was more of an inspirational or motivational book, instead of instructional. That kind of turned me off. I've read and experienced so much hype from businesses online and offline, I just wanted pure info that I could use. So after reading several more reviews, I ended up getting James book.

After buying James book, the lesson I learned from this was: make sure you're looking at current reviews.

If I would have noticed all of the news on search engine algorithm changes, I would have come to a different conclusion. Changing keyword densities, site structure, or totally re-doing sites to fit search engine changes is something that I don't want to do.

Also, I learned not to rely on a guy who idolizes Art Williams (A.L. Williams-godfather of MLM life insurance companies-Primerica and WFG). I highly respect Art's boldness and motivational spirit, but giving a lot of business hype, while intentionally hiding significant business issues and problems, is pretty misleading...simply not cool:(

Putting that stuff aside...

After reading Rosalind Gardner's book, I was pretty surprised. It actually had plenty of usable information. I could see that she was greatly inspired by Corey Rudhl's Internet Marketing course.

Her book doesn't emphasize natural search techniques (SEO), but she still has a lot of information about building traffic through other methods (ie. pay-per-click, forums, rss,etc.).

A massive strategy that I learned was how to build a list. I've had a lot of experience doing this offline in my financial business. I read many marketing books, especially in direct mail. I had applied those ideas online, but not until I read Rosalind's book did I realize how much I was missing out on.

She also goes into sales copy. After reading James book, I always wondered about this. I thought that since James didn't mention it, it wasn't worth putting into my affiliate sites. I was so wrong. By using the ideas that Rosalind has in her book, you'll learn how to convert your pages into sales...not just views.

An important thing to note is that this book isn't a get rich quick book. Despite the hyped subtitle, Rosalind's book is all about gaining the fruits from the seeds you sow.

Also, I don't want it too seem like James' book is all that bad. SEO is only a part of the whole picture. However, if you just focused on SEO, you could still make plenty of money. James is a living example of that.

If you took advantage of all of the tools, then there would be more money to be made.

From a business stability standpoint, the more legs on a chair you have, the more stable it is. If you're chair just has one leg (even though you have a hundred of chairs), you still don't have stability.

So what are the drawbacks of her book? Some people say that using Pay-Per-Click advertising is a drawback???? Well, you do have to pay more money out of your pocket. That's not a bad thing. Paying for more traffic to get more sales is an long as you're making a profit. There's no free lunch (PERIOD)

Offline, I've spent thousands of dollars for advertising. I'm happy to say that I made it all back and more. Some times my ads didn't convert, sometimes they did. In the long run, the law of averages worked out. Along the way, you'll figure out what works and what doesn't. The great thing about the net is that you don't have to spend as much money as you would marketing offline.

The key to all of this is consistency and longevity. The more you're consistent, the better you get. The longer you do it, the more you'll learn from experience. If you're thinking you could spend a lot of money on Google ads in 1 month and expect tons of traffic to convert, that would be a mistake.

In conclusion, I highly recommend Rosalind's affiliate marketing book for experienced marketers and for people with ZERO experience. She goes through the fundamentals of starting your online business in a manner that is easy to understand and implement.


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