If you've chosen your domain name, you'll also need a place to store your information. This server space is what a web host is. What you'll want to do is find a cheap web hosting package . When I say "cheap," I don't mean low quality. There are so many places to get web hosting, that searching for an affordable one could be tough. Most of the big named companies offer tons of web hosting packages, but unfortunately are pretty expensive. I'm pretty surprised that Yahoo is still offering their starter package close to $12/mo, with a $25 startup fee. I guess it's the name that sells. Over the last decade, I've tried out several hosting companies. For over the past 2 years, I've chosen a service where I have 10 websites set up on. If you want to set up one website, you pay $1/mo. If you want to have 10 websites, it's $2.95/mo. They have a startup fee, but it's pretty small compared to the monthly savings. Before selecting the package...