I just posted a review on the super hyped Affiliate Project X. Who would want to get this ebook? It's centered around on Clickbank affiliates and has some wonderful AdWords tips. Whether you decide to check out my review or not, the ebook is great. It's not some rehashed Clickbank or AdWords ebook. If you're looking to improve your sales conversions (which means $$$ in your pocket), make sure you take a look at the review 1st and decide for yourself.
If you've listed your email address on your website, I'm sure you've been bombarded with SPAM. Tons of email addresses are taken from websites manually, or through computer programs called SPAMbots. They rip email addresses for the sole purpose of spamming. One of the best ways to avoid these SPAM programs from taking advantage of your email address is to use a contact form. Using a server side form will hide your email address from site visitors, as well as SPAMbots. If you're not sure how to set up a form, you can also encrypt your email address. A site that I use is Email Riddler from Dynamic Drive . It will encrypt your email so that it is hidden from the SPAMbots. All you have to do is enter your email address, link text, and an optional subject line, click on the button and a javascript is automatically generated for you. Just copy it and paste it into your website where your email or contact us code would usually go.